Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hobby Lobby Comes Home to Roost as States Consider "Religious Freedom" Legislation | Elliot Mincberg

Hobby Lobby Comes Home to Roost as States Consider "Religious Freedom" Legislation | Elliot Mincberg

Even better, rhetoric directed at outsiders could be cloaked in general language about protecting religious freedom, not attacking LGBT rights. Supporters could even invoke Democratic supporters of RFRA like President Clinton and claim that neither RFRA nor its state counterparts had been interpreted to allow discrimination, as Indiana Gov. Pence has tried to do. These claims ignore the fact that it wasn't until last year that the Supreme Court effectively rewrote the language in RFRA so that it was transformed from a shield for religious liberty into a sword against anti-discrimination protections. And previous supporters like President Clinton have made clear their opposition to this year's state RFRA proposals.

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